I love Aïkido ! Back in
October 2017, I attended a traineeship called "Leadership
Embodiement" with Wendy Palmer (6th Dan). For 4 days we have been training
to welcome the successes and to reject with any demands. I have learnt how to
focus on myself and how to find my pattern in case of stress.
The last day, each member
of the group tells about his life experience or about an anecdote. I was moved
by the story of Karen Lee Downes: more than 30 years ago, she launched
with her sister the commercialization of essential oils in the Australian
market. They had opened a showroom to teach women how to use these oils.
Karen stands up in the
middle of our circle.
"Put some oil in a
bowl, add it a few drops of flower essences that you like, then do as it
follows : dip, dip (I dip my fingers in the oil), rub, rub (I rub the oil
between my hands), and pull that on. You have to start by massaging your foot,
then go towards your thigh. Change side. Then, you have to scrub your back
while insisting on the kidneys, the belly, the chest and finish with the arms.
You have to do it undressed/naked in front of a mirror, of course.
In November 2017, I
created a Whatsapp group. Our challenge is to do the "dip dip" every
day and then send a message to the group to notify that "dip dip is
done". Those who are the most inspired can also add an "self-praise autolouange"
a method of Marie Milis
to their "dip dip done".
At the beginning, we
wanted this challenge to last only 21 days. But at the end of these 21 days, we
felt so good that we've been doing the "dip dip" until today.
As for me, my daily
"dip dip" routine enables me to give my body special and conscious
senses of touch and look.
Testomonies :
« dip
dip done. I had a discussion with my colleague, I told her about dip dip. And
she said but you can take a massage from a professional. I said « no that
is not the same. With dip dip I experienced I make contact with myself. And that is
important » Diana
« dip dip fait. Je
suis résonnance des cœurs blessés, messagère d’amour universel »
« dip dip fait. Je suis artiste, à coup
de ciseaux, de pinceaux, de couleurs, j'éclaire de mille feux ma toison
d’or ». Françoise
« dip dip fait. Je
suis Hercule, j’affronte l’adversité avec courage » Céline
« dip dip fait. Je
suis fleur des champs. Je suis papillon admirant le paysage. Je communie avec
la nature et je médite » Christine
« dip, dip fait. Je
suis morue fantastique, fière de son banc hilare, je nage heureuse dans l’azur
des mers miroitantes, je suis poisson magique parlant aux paons. Je suis
écailles et plumes écarlates, hybride et parée pour un beau voyage »
« dip, dip fait. Je
suis conscience en éveil, gratitude de l’instant présent. Je suis grâce,
légèreté et fluidité dans mon corps et âmes » Caroline
hey bravo Manue :-)